Suvi Malek

b. 1984 Berlin, Germany

A moment of life lived through the eyes of a child in the changing Berlin of the 80s, then in the peace of Finland's rural idylls. Now life goes on in Barcelona.

Appreciation for traditional art with a modern twist, as well as the charm of depicting disappearing innocence and childlike carefreeness create an interest in making art


2000-2003  Käsi- ja taidekoulu Wetterhoff, clothing artisan

2011-2015    Pirkan kuvataidekoulu, basic art studies

2015-2017   Pirkan kuvataidekoulu, advanced art studies

2018 Repin-institute, portrait painting - period

2023-2024 Barcelona Academy of Art, Barcelona, Spain


2010 Anima Bircalensis, Liikuntatalo, Pirkkala (juried)

2011 Pirkkalan taideyhdistys, Saskia, Tampere (juried)

2012 Pirkkalan taideyhdistys, Galleria2, Pirkkala (juried)

2014 Pirkkalan taideyhdistys, Haiharan kartano, Tampere (juried)

2015 Pirkkalan taideyhdistys, Galleria2, Pirkkala (juried)

2015 Pirkkalan taideyhdistys, Galleria Villa Armas, Kangasala (juried)

2016 Pirkkalan taideyhdistys, Galleria2, Pirkkala (juried)

2016 Pirkkalan taideyhdistys, Voipaala, Valkeakoski (juried)

2017 Pirkkalan taideyhdistys, Galleria Saskia, Tampere (juried)

2017 AVA art festival, Osaka, Japan

2017 100 vuotta idylliä, Leporannan taidekeskus, Orivesi

2017 Art Majaalahti, Kangasala

2017 AVA art festival, Ars Longa, Helsinki

2018 AVA art festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

2019 Luonnon lapsia,Vilja Makasiini, Ruovesi

2020 Tampere university hospital

2020 Taidekeskus Salmela, Mäntyharju

2021 Taidekeskus Salmela, Mäntyharju

2022 Taidetila Raami, Nokia 

2023 Albert Edefelt Ateljémuseum, Porvoo


2015 Artist membership of the Pirkkala Art Association 

2016 Repin Institute portrait competition finalist

2017-2018 Member of the board of the Pirkkala art association, secretary

2018-2020 Vice chairman of Pirkkala art association.

2020 Facade work , Vuores, Tampere

2020 Taidekeskus Salmela, exhibition class of the youth art competition

2020 Taidekeskus Salmela, The audience's favorite artist at the youth art competition

2020 Artist scholarship of Osuuskauppa Suur-Savo

2021 Chairman of Pirkkala art assosiation

2021 Taidekeskus Salmelas young artist of the year

2024 Member of the Reial Cercle Artístic - Institut Barcelones d'Art